
Heisey Glass

Mary Mudar - Plank Road #236

Information is based on a program given to Plank Road #236

heiseyglass-1Augustas Heisey was born in Germany 1842. He came to the United States (Pennsylvania) and began working in the King Glass Company. After the Civil War, he worked for the Ripley Glass Company. Later he moved to Ohio and formed his own glass company: “A.H. Heisey and Company”.

In the early years paper labels were used. By 1900, the famous Heisey mark took the place of these labels. Beware – not all pieces are marked with the raised capital letter H inscribed in a diamond.

heiseyglass-2The early Heisey was pressed glass made to look like expensive cut glass. A few early pieces were colored glass. Both pressed and blown glassware were made in a wide variety of patterns and colors. Most pieces however were clear until 1920. Stemware was first made in 1914. It was etched or engraved.

Augustus’s son took over when the founded died. The last of Heisey glass production was 1957. Imperial Glass bought some of their molds and the rights to the H trademark. After 1968, Imperial stopped using the trademark.

The characteristics of Heisey glass are: a ground (polished) bottom and the H mark.  

Sources available upon request.